We are a group of innovators, change-makers, and leaders building a better future for our communities.


Who We Are

The Twin Cities Innovation Alliance (TCIA) is a social venture, intended to spark, resource, and guide entrepreneurs as they grow and scale their businesses across the Twin Cities, operating out of the need for greater diversity, inclusion and equity in technology and entrepreneurship. After 15 years of self funded initiatives from programing and volunteering in Saint Paul we launched TCIA with initial seed investment from the Knight Foundation.

 Twin Cities Innovation Alliance (TCIA) is a coalition of stakeholders representing a cross sector of public, private and community organizations, corporations and institutions led by visionaries, academics, thought leaders and individuals who are invested in the Twin Cities’ continued evolution as a forward‐thinking, innovative, ‘Smart’ global city. 



Our mission is to build and develop a critical mass of diverse, highly-engaged residents, policy makers, and entrepreneurs, made up of minorities and people of color traditionally identified as the end users and consumers of innovation and design, and transforming them into the purveyors and beneficiaries. This will benefit all communities across the nation and our world. We exchange learnings while adapting and evolving our collective work.

Data is the oxygen that fuels SMART Cities and Connected Communities
— Aasim Shabazz

Climate Change (Energy) & Technology

People (Human Centered) & Education

Governance (Democracy Centered) & Infrastructure

Building (Architectural Insight) & Health

Our Team


Aasim Shabazz

Co-Founder & President


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Marika Pfefferkorn

Co-founder & Solutions and Sustainability Officer


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